If a picture is worth 1000 words, I don't know how you would calculate a collage... is it worth 1000, or do you multiply by the total number of pics in the collage? Either way, these pictures tell a lot!
Our Brazil tour 2011 was a HUGE success. So many lives changed, both Brazilian and American alike. It is so hard to summarize a two week trip, but I thought it would be good to do it in pictures.
1. Retiring from coaching at CAK has left a huge hole in my heart, so any time I get to coach is awesome. Especially with co leader James Logan. He and I got to coach about 12 games, and had a BLAST in each one! While we didn't win all of them, the impact of the teams’ portrayal of Christ on the field was tremendous. So many came forward after the post game talks!
2. Jodi got to play in the games, but being the sole "mom" on the trip, her heart was drawn to the young Brazilian kids. While their English is poor, Jodi's Portuguese is even worse, STILL her love for the kids was evident every time she interacted with them!
3. The mayor of the town (seen holding the trophy) came and presented the whole team with medals. The ironic thing, was that we LOST the game 0-4! We actually played these girls several times, and NEVER won. But the impact the Eagles made was enormous. On the last day, the Brazilians came up to us, and wanted to know "what we had" that made us different. They said "even though you lost, you ALWAYS encouraged, and had smiles on your faces. We NEVER do that. What is the difference between us?" What an opportunity for the gospel! Two girls came to Christ because of that experience.
4. Jodi again with 3 young girls at a local school. They taught her some Brazilian games that she was able to bring back to our own daughter! While we missed our kids, we also hoped that we were having an eternal impact on the Brazilian young ones.
5. What amazes me are the American kids and how they interact with little children. Here Zach, is playing with a boy at camp. This tough, hard nosed defender shared his joy in Christ with so many children. What a testament to Christ's love!
6. Savannah explaining the "Salvation bracelets" that we gave to the kids all across the city. It was an easy way for our players to interact with the school kids. We probably gave away over 500 bracelets!
7. James Logan (Samoan by birth, Brazilian by choice) is giving his testimony to about 100 kids at a camp. His translator is a young Christian kid who had never translated before. They both did an OUTSTANDING job! This is the camp where the young boy’s foot was healed.
8. "Christ's will be done"... even though the plans didn't work out for baptisms at the beach (that is a WHOLE different story) God had a plan. We were going to baptize 2 kids at the ocean, but instead we baptized over 12 at the hotel!!! So many were able to say "I want to show that this is MY faith now." And these were the AMERICAN tour members that got baptized!
9. I was able to speak at many churches. This church was my favorite. The lead youth pastor is a Palmeras fan, but I am a rival Sao Paulo fan, so before I spoke, I put on a Sao Paulo jersey. We both got a kick out of it. The youth loved it. Relationships are key on tour, and this is my 4th time at this church over the years. I can’t wait to go back this spring!
10. And last, but most wonderful. We were able to see God's power manifested. Here one of the directors was praying for a young boy who had pain in his foot and had trouble walking. Through prayer and intercession, the boy was healed! It FLOORED our team. While we read about those in the Bible, so many think that those things don't happen today. But we lived it and saw it. Some of our team experienced it after a night game in Limeira!
Prayer was such a huge part of this trip. And worship the other. What I love most about it all, is that I was able to see lives changed. To hear Americans (Christian Americans) say, "This is the first time I have really felt the Lord's presence" is so encouraging and powerful to me.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. While I still have a lot to do (receipts receipts receipts) we are already planning next years' trip! Sure hope you all would like to be a part of it, too!