

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How did the Brazil tour impact your life (Part 2)

Part 2!

The following are quotes from tour members and parents of tour members that answer the question:

"How did the Brazil tour impact your life?"

“Three weeks, one God, and Faith that can move mountains.  Brazil tour has shown me how God can change lives for the Kingdom (including my own)”

Paige Hoffman

“I just now understand that the past is the past.  The old has gone and the new has come.  Being on tour has allowed me to move forward in my life and never look back again.  Jesus took hold of my heart and changed me from the inside out”

Rachel Setzer

“The trip definitely showed me that this is what I am suppose to be doing; using soccer to reach others is what God has given me a heart for.  I also learned a lot about myself.  My relationship with God grew so much! “

Sarah Winship

“It was different than I was expecting, but better than I could ever have imagined.  It made Christ real to me”

Doug Liedle

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations…”

In doing so, I have seen lives changed.  More specifically, the lives of those who go to disciple.  When you open yourself up to being a vessel for God to work in and through, He brings a change to you by doing so.  Your prayer and financial support has made all of this possible!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How did the Brazil tour impact your life (Part 1)

The following are quotes from tour members and parents of tour members that answer the question:

"How did the Brazil tour impact your life?"

"Hearing my son say it was a life changing experience, then watching his life change... hearing him say that his greatest blessing of the year was being saved by grace and knowing that these words were heart felt and the fruit of the tour."

Dr. Jeanann Pardue (mother of Benj Pardue)

"This trip changed my life forever.  God took a hold of my heart by physically making me break down and gave me no other choice but to trust in Him.  This trip was the most amazing and unforgettable time of my life!"

Kayce Campbell (two time tour vet)

""To put it simply, the Brazil trip is where my Christian walk truly began."

James Logan (two time tour vet and team leader)

"I found out that I am loved. This tour opened my heart to missions. I found out that I have a passion for missions, and a desire to love more than I thought possible."

Kiah Allen 

While the American tour members went down to share the love of Christ with the Brazilians, by being a vessel for the Lord, they themselves were touched by God.  This is why I do what I do.  To see Christian Americans who have a heart for the Lord, meet him in a way that they never would here in the states.  What an amazing group of young people!  

More quotes to come next week!!!